Mold Testing


Mold Testing by Drimax Atlanta


Whether from a roof leak, plumbing leak, burst pipe, or flooding, mold will grow where excess moisture is present. Any standing water left behind will be the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, microorganisms and mold to grow. If you've recently experienced a water damage emergency, you may think that when the water has been cleaned up and removed, all of your worries are over. What many don't realize is how quickly mold can grow if any water or moisture goes undetected. It only takes 24-48 hours for mold to start growing.


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(470) 518-0958


Mold Testing by Drimax AtlantaHarmful Effects of Mold

Detecting mold is not always easy, but you will either see it, smell it, or feel it. If mold is visible, it will spread quickly through your home or workplace. If you notice a musty odor in the air, there could be hidden mold by an unknown source.

If you start experiencing mold-related health problems, such as sinus infections, sore throat, headache, coughing, rash, or fatigue, your immune system has begun to feel the dangerous effects of toxic mold.


Call The Mold Testing Professionals

With over 10 years of experience dealing with mold, Drimax Atlanta has quickly become the leader in mold detection and mold testing services. Getting the indoor air quality in your home or workplace is our number one priority. When you call (470) 518-0958 if you suspect your property has mold, we will schedule a time to test your home or office and will provide quick, accurate written results. Rest assured the professional, knowledgeable mold detecting experts at Drimax Atlanta will find exactly where any undetected moisture was left behind that caused the harmful mold to grow. Then, if mold is identified, we'll create a solid, effective solution for its immediate removal.


Expert Mold Detection

  • Drimax Atlanta's mold testing technicians have over 10 years of experience with mold
  • We'll test all presumed areas, behind walls, under floorboards, hidden in crawl spaces, under carpeting, etc.
  • We use top rated moisture sensors and equipment to identify hidden moisture sources
  • Our environmentally-friendly antimicrobial treatments will prevent further fungi, bacteria & mildew growth

Protecting homeowners and their families, as well as business owners, co-workers and their customers from the risk of mold growth and health problems is Drimax Atlanta's specialty. You are in good, safe hands with the superior mold testing technicians at Drimax Atlanta. Call (470) 518-0958 today.

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(470) 518-0958

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